For this part of the project I needed to create learner passports. These are designed for people in apprenticeships which serve as documents to help them keep track of their progress. Through the entirety of the brief the team I was in created a friendly and buzzing atmosphere to work in and to create a social circle beyond work. As i learnt from my last project I need to work harder on building relationships with people I work with and ending up making new friends. We communicated across multiple social medias for work and social purposes which helped me build confidence in adjusting to new groups and finding common interests. We designed a theme and created a pattern which was consistent with the clients requests. Also learning from my mistakes on the last project I made sure to clearly set out everything the client wanted from us with them and then with my group talked about what we could realistically do. By explaining to the client what we would be capable of doing within the time frame and figuring out what was her priories. This gave me a huge confidence boost in my communications because the client was extremely polite and understanding. I also took some harsher criticism when designing the patterns which helped me learn the importance of listening to everyone in the groups opinions. 

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