Within the team, we all had our set tasks towards the brief. It was last minute that we discovered one team couldn’t understand his part. This was a large wave of stress over the team. He did not understand the presentation was a template for the client to use. This is due to a language barrier. This was a large struggle for the team as they were still finishing their design work. I jumped in and took responsibility for ensuring we created something. This was a learning curve for me as I began to understand the difficulties of language and communication. When we were handing out job tasks at the beginning of the module, this team member did not understand but still agreed. As a team, we should have initially understood this and swapped this task with someone else. In a team with two members who could not speak fluent English, was difficult for me. I am a very articulate person and tend to talk about my ideas in a deep manner. I am very conversational and a public-speaker. The problem this put me in was trying to explain jobs to these members in a way they could understand. I think this will help me widely in the future to have patience with clients or team members when language is a barrier. I will learn to have patience and try to focus on my articulation; and try to improve the way I explain things.

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