During the creation of the trading card, I learnt a few different valuable skills. Firstly I hugely improved my communication because as a group project, it’s important to create a sense of unity amongst the work. Inspired by this I created the patterns which I used to help my team understand the overall theme of the project and was used as a building block for all of our work going forward. As I took the initiative to create these patters and they ended up being used by the group I learnt to have more confidence in my work. However, that’s not to say it was uncontested, a huge learning curve for me during the creation of the front of the trading card was beginning to understand the difference between constructive criticism and someone being rude. As someone who is passionate about my work, I can let my emotions get the better of me when facing criticism, however this taught me that it can be helpful not only in the project, but also to help me adapt and grow as a designer.  Overall even just starting a small part of the project showed me how much preparation and teamwork between the client and within the group is needed in order to come out with the best version of the product the customer wanted. 

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