When coming up with ideas for this this module, I created a moodboard with images, swatches and webpages that I could refer back to whenever I needed inspiration. My board suggested the specific colous, themes and styles I should try to adopt and can therefore, tackle the correct audience. When making the moodboard – I would search things like pollution posters, plastic pollution, plastic and marine life and so on. These were giving me a broad range of different ideas, I then collated the ideas by selecting the images and ideas I thought would specifically help my campaign.

My campaign is going to target plastic pollution in the ocean and how this effects fish and marine life. When establishing a problem, cause, solution and call to action; I had to create a flow chart of different combinations. I then brainstormed different ideas linking to all the problems causes so on…

For example, a problem could be plastic killing marine life , cause: is human plastic disposal , solution: reduce plastic waste , CTA: recycle plastics.

After many flow charts and brainstorms, I decided to go with:

Problem: Plastic entering and killing marine life.

Cause: Plastic entering oceans at considerable amounts.

Solution: Track how much plastic you use.

CTA: Download the APP and reduce the amount of plastic.

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