An apprenticeship passport was the main thing the client wanted. She wanted it designed and easy to work with. I put myself forward for this task as I learnt to have confidence and trust in my own work from the Ambleside project. I learnt that it is important to put yourself forward for the tasks you believe you can tackle. I decided I wanted to tackle the passport head on and thankfully the rest of the team trusted in me too. I first tried to understand the point of the passport. This was to create a document the apprentice can hold on to during their educative journey in order to track progress. This helpful document was like an assessed diary. This is the first idea I had for the design. The reason I orignally went from the hexagonal pattern was because the previous guidebook had a similar pattern. Dee wanted to keep this in the work as it was a pattern for apprenticeships within the business. I have also attached some developed ideas; these are ideas that stemmed from creating the first idea. Myself along with the team really liked this.


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