The deadline is closing in and our design work is slowly getting there. WE THEN REALIE WE HAVE NOT TARGETTING ONE SECTION OF THE BRIEF!!!

The member of the team responsible for the posters was responsible for the powerpoint presentation template. Due to a language barrier, he could not complete it. The deadline and presentation is tomorrow. WE must get something done and complete. Riana to the rescue. If my team are reading this; Don’t not trust my skills due to lack of attendance. I have not had to resit a module, I complete my work on time and to the best of my ability. This one is for my team: next time, don’t come to me last minute to solve the problems when you don’t trust me because of my attendance.

Again, like the other design work I have completed, this uses a similar colour scheme, patterned background and text box shape.

Enough said… This is the presentation template.


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