If we were sending it to Dee for her to send to her Graphic Designer; it would mean it would not be sent in jpegs or pdfs. This would be sent as source files. We as a team had never met the in house designer but from what we inferred from Dee, is that he isn’t too experienced. She said he used Adobe and in very basic formats. Dee also stated that she herself would be also editing sometimes too. If I was to send this file to someone with no design experience, for them to edit and change: I would understand the level of help they would need. This is when I came up with the idea to send the source files with instructions. For example, my files contain clipping masks of images, Dee would not be able to understand this. If she wanted to change the image in the future, she would struggle. Therefore, I wrote the dumbed down version of instructions for a non-designer. I then placed them on a new layer in the document and wrote how easy it is to delete the layer.


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