When researching images or ideas related to a nucleur war museum, I came across gameplay. I had already had the idea of using screenplay imagery when my mind began racing with ideas. Having not really played many warfare games I had a brief understanding of the different things you have on a screen when playing games. I then researched into this a bit more by watching gaming videos online and actually watching people play the games infront of and explaining the different part of the interface.

Interface is the screen graphics that gives you information when playing warfare games. It gives you information like the map, how many lives you have left and what weaponry you are using. Warfare games are a big part of gaming and many games are based on war imagery. For example, roaming around in streets shooting at the opposing team.

The idea of interface I had was using coding, screen illustrations of circuit boards, graphs and charts. The reason I chose this style was because I believe the theme of using neon screenplay fits in well with the warfare interface. It really ties in well with soldiers and the army.

These are some images of interface that gave me confidence in trying the style.

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