The Kelvedon Hatch/secret nuclear bunker museum, is situated in Essex. The whole point of having a secret nuclear bunker was to create a safe living space for minister and political officials. This would be a safehouse away from nuclear bombs and would clean air for fresh ventilation. When researching the bunker and after watching online videos based around bunker tours – I managed to create a blueprint. The reason I create a blueprint style rather than a map was to fit closely with the theme I was trying to adopt. The blue print style uses a neon blue colour and is based around stroke lines. This would match very well to the other elements in my typography project. For example, I was already using the neon blue colour for most of my elements to connote technology and therefore, would reflect interface. The reason I created the blueprints overall, was to provide a visual element to the audience and will easily draw out the extent of the bunker being a secret. The bunker entrance is a secret tunnel leading from the basement of a house on a hill. The bunker lies beneath the hill. The reason I drew the bunker in this format was to reflect the significance of the secrecy. The white of the house is what is shown to the world but underneath the ground lies a series of floors, rooms, tunnels and machinery.

I took extensive research when coming up with the outline for this blueprint. Having watched many online tour videos, I have understood the amount of floors and where they line, where the facilities are and how the machinery works. I also took time to research the different machinery and technology a bunker would occasionally contain. For example, air vents, cripple zones and electricity pylons.


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