This is a quote stating that art comes from the surrounding. Art comes from things around you and not from the studio. Art doesn’t come from working in an environment where you supposed to be creative. Art comes from every single environment. This quote suggests that art comes from life. From real like situations and realistic scenarios. It states art does not come from the studio. Where situations could be faked or false. It states art does not just come from the studio where you are deemed to be creative. Art comes from being in a situation and realising the artistic, creative aspects of the situation. I agree with this quote because when I have an idea it most likely comes from experience. For example, pieces I have painted or created have been from an experience I have had. They have not just been inspired by the sheer idea of message. But the message comes from a situation I have had. This quote actually boosts the confidence I have in my own work. As I notice some designers can come up with an idea just by sitting at a desk. I place negativity on myself for not being this creative or imaginative. However, I now realise that my inspiration is more realistic. This is because I take ideas from real like aspects and plot the connotations in my own work.


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