In order to pursue my career as a graphic designer I plan on graduating with an Undergraduate degree in Bachelor of Arts. It was important to choose Graphic Design as a course because it has given me an insight not only into the professional world of graphic design, but also into my own strengths and weaknesses within graphic design and given me the chance to improve on then in an aided setting. The course has also helped give me an edge over other aspiring designers due to the briefs we are set within our modules.   

When I graduate in Graphic Design; I plan to work full time in any sector to allow myself to find the job that best suits me and provides a progression path to ensure I can continue to develop even after education. This will allow me to draw together a professional portfolio which can be tailored to a specific graphic market. This temporary job role will also allow me to develop professional skills, such as improving my interview skills as well as learning how to deal with new tasks in stressful environments. During this job, I will also be using my free time to maximize my own development by doing freelancing work which will allow me to experiment with different styles professionally.   

I will then produce a portfolio of high specification and will apply to work or volunteer at the Archetype Media Group (AMG). I keep in close contact with members of the group in order to gain feedback on my work and to help build my contacts within the graphic designer community. This opportunity will give me the chance to work firsthand within the agency to develop my understanding of the infostructure of a graphic design company, whilst simultaneously helping further my insight into the business relationships between graphic designers and their clients.  

Having worked within a professional environment I have gained experience in key skills related to becoming a graphic designer. This particularly is shown through my ability to communicate effectively with both clients to understand exactly what they need as well as within a team to ensure that I can be an effective and proactive member of a team. This has also furthered my understanding of how to balance professionalism with a friendly approach when discussing briefs with clients.  

Through the mix of university, working with AMG and my existing work as a freelance Graphic Designer, I already boast an impressive portfolio with a wide range of professional and personal work. However, there is always room to improve and to target my work towards advertisement and illustration and I plan to add to and target my portfolio by continuing to capitalize on any available opportunities as well as actively seeking out and new opportunities and contacts.   

If I adhere to this plan, I should continue to develop and build on the basic skills university taught me as well as learn how to build rapports and contacts within the graphic design industry. Ultimately this should help me to create my own agency where I am able to choose which jobs in media, branding and overall graphic design I want to work with. Having this agency will allow me to build up a reputable name where my work is identified. Therefore, private businesses and public corporations will approach my agency for the level of style and quality within graphic design work.   


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