When I sit down and do work; my mind always begins by coming up with an idea or a theme. Now that I have completed sets of work I see a pattern emerge in my work. For example, most of my work follows a certain style and theme. The styles I seem to prefer are those that are cartoonist and basic. I like when my work has definite borders between colours and strong solid colours. My theme on the other hand, is cultured. I tend to prefer creating pieces of work that follow my Indian culture. I am going to create a certain section for my work that follows an Indian theme. I am born British but with Indian heritage. I don’t identify as any religion but I follow my cultural traditions. One main idea and theme I tend to play around with a lot is mixing the cultures together. By creating taboo ideas compiled with traditional ideas. For example, this piece is of a females chest; she is smoking weed. This is often seen as a NO-GO in any culture. Other pieces of work I have created show a consensual theme around traditions. This mixes the taboo cultures with traditional ones and creates a campaign to highlight how people must now accept cultures merging and being open-minded.


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