The inside of the passport was 16 pages long. Dee wanted us to re-write the information, style it and do that 6 more times for different booklets. We spoke to our lecturer about this and she agreed that this was too much workload despite the fact that designers don’t re-write content. As the group, we were hesitant on confronting Dee about this. However, she was fine about it and understood totally. I learnt that I was okay to be honest with a client about issues and just to confront them. This won’t cause problems and won’t make the client leave. It just means you don’t disappoint the client by not doing what they tell you do to. The interior of the passport consisted of graphs and tables. I came up with an idea that meant Dee could use her in house Graphic Designer to complete the finishing tasks. For example, by creating a template of a table, the graphic designer could insert the information needed. We asked Dee about this and she agreed and said that it was a great idea. I then had a look at the graphs they had previously used and noticed they were very basic and undesigned. Dee wanted something more designed and creative. I conducted some research into this and found some designed tables and how they can look if done right.

These are the final graphs I created using designed styles.


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