The work I have completed over the past few months all contribute well to the community of practice I want to pursue. I have completed work for University, Businesses and personal use. They have all helped me in their separate ways and set me up well for future work. I have mostly created illustrations for my personal use; by this, I create them and share them on social media. When I began this course at University; I had no experience in any Adobe Creative Cloud software. Therefore, even just by creating new pieces, has helped me grow my experience and knowledge of using Adobe. In my portfolio, I have shown the posters that I sell online at Fiverr. These posters are illustrative posters, and yet they do not hold any Marketing, creating them still helped with the decision. This is because it allowed me to visualise the different elements I am using and when too many is enough. I began playing around with the different colours, themes and elements like; the layout of the poster. Laying out a poster is essential in the theme of the campaign. For example, spotlighting an image to make it stand out on a wall. This would be essential in Marketing and Advertising to ensure a business’s product or service stands out. Therefore, it is clear I understand how my work will help me in the community of practice.   

I have also worked with paid clients on Branding. Understandably, this is a whole new community of practice; however, branding has a similar infrastructure to marketing. For example, branding works with analytics and research. It is essential a business’s brand stands out to customers by identifying with them. For example, the Smiths Toys branding speaks to the audience they target; which is children. This is essential for companies. The logo I created was for a Mortgage Broker company. It is simple, plain and holds lavish, sophisticated colours. The silver and black within this logo speaks to upper-class invertors.   

When I seek an opportunity with a potential employer, I will explain how my work has led me to where am I now. Creating posters for companies is helpful; but proving your variety of knowledge in a wide range of areas is vital. I will not only prove that I can create a seamless campaign in diverse areas; like vector images, fonts, logos. But can also, create posters, leaflets, webpages and apps. This is due to the wide range of graphics I am prominent at.  

One large theme I am highly passionate about is incorporating culture into my work. I would like to focus on changing society. There are many issues society faces and with the use of Marketing and Illustration; I believe can communicate with citizens. I would like to focus on the idea of making taboo subjects more widely spoken about and used. For example, sex is such a large part of everyone’s lives. It is a taboo subject, every now and then people make an innuendo, and everyone giggles. But I’d like to make it an open subject. Why do we have to market condoms with a silhouette of a female’s anatomy. These are the kind of themes I’d like to bring into a business. They not only change and better the society but, by being abrupt and open, shocks a society; creates a memorable campaign, therefore we can increase sales and maximize a profit.   


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