This module is where I will create my own CV and portfolio that links to the path of graphics I would want to take. I haven’t yet decided on which path I would like to take. The style I take and the themes I follow are very cartoonist. The style I use is illustrations and flat vectors for my work. This is the kind of work I like to do in my spare time. When I work towards a brief I work well to the needs of the client. I am good at branding and packaging. This is a strong path that my work fits. Branding and packaging is always changing and therefore, is always in need of making new concepts, ideas and styles. This also fits in well with marketing and advertising. I enjoy making sure my work or the things I create are in connection with the consumer. One statement I live for is “ART IS FOR YOURSELF, GRAPHIC DESIGN IS FOR EVERYONE ELSE”. This is true as it means what I create is not for my own expression. It is for the person buying or using the product.

This also links to the other path I would like to take which is UX. I believe technology is the future and therefore, creating designs based off apps and smart products is where the future lies. This is really helpful by using what the customers wants. For example, the button for the next page is better in the bottom centre rather than the top right.

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