For my typography brief, we had to pick a museum at random from a hat. I was so happy with my museum as when I read it and googled it, my mind went 50mph and all these ideas were just flying past me. I picked the Secret Nuclear Bunker museum in Essex. When I googled it, I was brought to their website and was so disappointed with their style and theme. It was very unprofessional. I began jotting down ideas on which I could create different styles and themes. Having never studied higher tier History, I have never really understood War. So when I got this brief, I got excited with all the ideas I had, but I also remembered I would have to conduct a lot of research into this topic.

After extensive research, I liked the theme of interface and war. I learnt that the bunker was built during the cold war and was a safe zone for ministers and politicians, in case of a nuclear bomb. I understood nuclear weaponry from studying physics. I understand the extent of the bomb and the consequences in physical terms.

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