Visual communications is another module where the brief was handed to us and we each had individual tweaks to the productions of it. We have been set with creating a campaign for a social issue. Today we had a group session where we were asked questions about certain social issues and how to break them down to help our campaign. Our tutor broke down social issues to highlight the PROBLEM, CAUSE AND CALL TO ACTION. This was very helpful as it allowed me to highlight the ideas for social issues I had and how I can make them into campaigns. For example, it is inhumane to not accept refugees who are seeking peace. The cause is because the government are claiming we have not space or resources to help them. The call to action could be charity, volunteering opportunities and donations.

When I was handed this brief, I knew I wanted to create a campaign on an issue that I was passionate about. I picked two ideas that I will create moodboards on so I can visually see the styles and themes I could adopt. I would either like to work on sexual assault or plastic pollution.

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